It’s a long lasting (chronic) condition that may be accompanied by asthma or hay fever. It is most often seen in infants and children also known as atopic dermatitis , but it can continue into adulthood or first appear later in life.
Although causes are not known but one of the most important factors are.
Corticosteroid creams or ointments-Doctor may recommend prescription corticosteroid creams or ointments to ease scaling and relieve itching.
Non steroidal Topical Immunomodulators creams like tacrolimus and pimercrolimus are the latest treatment without much side effects as that of steroids cream.
Oral Antihistamines-If itching is severe oral antihistamines may help
Antibiotics-Antibiotics is recommended if you have a bacterial skin infection or an open sore or fissure caused by scratching. Doctor may recommend taking antibiotics for a short time or for a longer period of time to reduce bacteria on your skin and prevent recurrent infections.
If your skin cracks open, the doctor may prescribe mildly astringent wet dressings to prevent infection.