Nail infection is quite a common problem. Fungus can cause nails to become thick and crumbly and change color, taking on a blue green hive. Fungus is notoriously difficult to treat due to bacteria and micro organisms that are associated with the fungus.
Bacteria and virus also both cause unsightly change to nails. Bacterial infections target the skin under and around the nail and can lead to nail loss if not treated. Skin viruses cause warts around and sometimes, which doctor can freeze off or chemically treat to remove
Salon treatments are not advisable if you suffer from diseases. You should consult the dermatologists for treatment.
Fungal Nail Infection
The main symptom of the bacterial infection is severe pain over the sides known as paronychia also. It requires immediate attention to relieve the pus. In fungal infection nail turn rough and brittle and hollow in Tinea of the nail which later turns into chronic problem. In candidal infection there is a lateral swelling because of the yeast infection and sometimes painful also. It generally occurs due the repeated washing of the hand. The nail colour also changes.
Laser rays are now commonly used for the treatment of nail fungus and toenail treatment. This process will be the most effective and fastest way to entirely heal the toe nail fungus infection. The procedure will expose the infected area to the lasers which induce disintegration of the fungus through vaporization. Two laser beams with different wavelengths will be concentrated to the afflicted in which the procedure takes up to 15 to 20 min per nail, but it depends on level of condition. The laser will destroy the fungi without damaging the area of the skin or inflict a pain while doing the process. A complete good result will only take 2 to 3 sessions.
The treatment through laser process has been reported to have at 80- 90 % success rate. As the procedure completely destroys the root of infection, thus it is likely that the healing condition will be permanent.
The use of ultra violet light for the treatment of various skin and nail disorders is known as phototherapy. Specific wavelengths of phototherapy work on the DNA of hyperactive immune cells in the skin with very little effects on other cells, bringing down the immune response that causes the disease.
Phototherapy sessions are planned twice or thrice weekly, for a period of few weeks, the duration depending on the clinical condition of nail for which therapy is indicated.
Nail fungus is a serious concern and once it sets in, dislodging it might take days of effort and care. One of the best ways to do away with painful nail fungus is to use over the counter antifungal creams and many oral and topical medicines. These OTC drugs have anti fungal benefits and can help to alleviate your suffering in no time .Topical medications usually don’t provide a cure, but may be used in conjunction with oral medication. However do not forget to check with a doctor before you pop a pill. .
When the disorders of your nails are caused by nail biting, it is advisable to stop that behavior as soon as possible .In extreme cases, therapy may be the best option.