It is presented with tiny vesicles around propucial skin or glance of the penis or sometimes any where over the genital skin. It is highly infected in nature and can be transmitted from one person to another person by direct skin to skin touch or transmitted through sexual activity. One can get genital herpes or oral herpes simplex via oral sexual activity. The vesicles sometimes ulcerate after few days to form an ugly crusted lesion over the genital or the lip border.
Symptoms Of Genital Herpes
Symptoms of genital herpes infection vary among individuals .During the first outbreak the initial sign can be tingling sensation in or around the site of infection .The skin may become irritated or red ,and this often followed by blisters. The blisters can look like small pimples and will rupture thereby forming an ulcer which will then crust over. Incubation period in genital herpes is around one week or sometimes lesser than that only few days. Lesion appears only after few days of sexual activity with a person who is having herpes infection
STD symptoms which develop within 2 to 20 days after contact and continue up to 2 weeks as it is very mild and goes unnoticed especially in those with partial immunity to the virus.
Genital herpes-Genital herpes treatment aims at relieving the discomfort of the herpes sores and reducing the length of time taken by an outbreak to cure. The treatment proves to be of great effect when it starts right after an outbreak begins. This should especially be done in case of recurrent genital herpes.
Doctor for genital herpes treatment suggest Antiviral Drugs-Acyclovir, Val acyclovir and Famciclovir are antiviral drugs used in the treatment of genital herpes.
Viral Shedding- Treatment only ensures rapid healing of the eruptions and decreases the chances of viral shedding.