Laser Tattoo Removal in Delhi, India
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The National Skin Centre

Best Laser Tattoo Removal clinic in Delhi

Tatto Removal is an art of removing the Tattoo with the help of different Laser techniques. Its Making is easy but removing is an art and time consuming procedure, done best with the latest lasers in clinic.
laser tattoo removal

We offers the Best tattoo removal treatment technology for painless tattoo removal without scarring with latest lasers in single sitting with cutting lasers, removal of green-black or colored tattoo.

Permanent Tattoo Removal Cost

Pain less Laser Tatto Removal Cost Rs.6000 to Rs.20000 as per size and ink of tattoo with Nd-Yag Q switch laser, IPL Pulse Dye Lasers.

What is Tattoo Removal Treatment

Tattoo artist uses manual or electrical driven machines to create a design on the skin. The Tattoo can be permanent as well as temporary depending upon the trends and desire of the person. As per the fashion and trend the tattoo artist will create the tattoo on different parts of body

process of tattoo removal
What is Tattoo removal process?

Tattoo removal process with the help of lasers and various methodologies. There are various reasons because of which people want to get their tattoos removed like selection in jobs, marriages and change of fashion. There are lots many reasons but the common reasons are these only. It is a kind of art of inserting pigment into the dermis.

There are several factors responsible for the removal like the size , location age and color of the tattoo, and depth of the pigment. These factors will decide how much the tattoo removal will take.

adverse effect laser tattoo removal
Adverse Effects
  • Some of the risks that come with getting a tattoo are infection at the site, allergic reaction to the dye , the spread of diseases such as HIV & Hepatitis C, granulomas and Keloid
  • Hepatitis C is a blood borne disease that can be spread when tattoo needles are used on multiple people and not thrown away and equipment is not sterilized.
  • Another reaction is Keloid formation, which is when scars grow beyond their natural boundaries.
  • When body rejects the tattoo as a foreign objects and forms nodules around it is called granulomas.
benifits and risks of laser tattoo removal
Benefits and Risks of Laser Tattoo Removal

Making tattoo on the body is a trend but with the changing life styles and fashion one wants to remove that tattoo for one reason or the other depending upon person to person and his or her need.
If one opts for q switch lasers then
Advantages: - It is a painless procedure, No scarring Minimal epidermal demage
Disadvantages: - Multiple sessions are required like 10 to 20 sessions at a gap of one month. It’s a lengthy procedure more time consuming.

Cutting tattoo removal lasers
Advantages: - Only single session is required,
Can remove any kind of coloured pigment in one session, Very beneficial for those who are preparing for medicals in army, air forces, jobs or some other reason. It is Time saving and effective procedure.

Disadvantages: - the tattoo removal skin heals with a scar, Dressings are required we need to take precaution for couple of weeks; we have to treat it like a wound.

non surgical tattoo removal surgery
Tattoo removal without surgery?

Nowadays tattoo removal is done without surgery. It is done with the help of lasers. A laser used depends upon the colour, size of the tattoo and most important thing is depth of the pigmentation. It also depends upon the time patient is having and how urgency is there.

Most of the tattoos are in black and green colours. The laser used will depend upon the colour and number of sessions will be also dependent on it.

Nd YAG q switch laser is very effective laser. It is non ablative lasers which removes the pigment without damaging the surrounding skin. Generally multiple sessions are required at a gap of one month. In one session one can achieve 10 to 20% results and 10 t0 20 sessions are required depending.

Coloured tattoos like red are usually removed with the help of pulse dye laser. Multiple sessions are required in this case also to achieve the desired results.
If a person has urgency and wants to get the tattoo removed in single go can opt for the cutting lasers. Nd YAG cutting lasers and co2 lasers are the one you can opt for. With the help of such lasers one can get the tattoo removal done in one session. It can remove any kind of colour pigment from the epidermis but it heals with a scarring. The healing time will be approximately 1 month to 45 days and then one can resurface it with the help of erbium glass lasers or c02 fractional lasers.

We have the patients who are applying for medicals in army, aviation, navy or any other reasons, they opt for single session programme as it is time saving and removes the pigment completely.

Laser tattoo removal treatment
How expensive can be tattoo removal and what kind of lasers are used to remove it

It is an expensive affair. Making tattoo is easy but it removal is difficult. Removal Cost depends upon various factors like colourl, size and age of tattoo. Before going for the procedure you should know which laser is being used on you. There are many low quality machines used in the market which can lure you with the low prices and offers, which can leave a harmful effect on your skin. So always choose an experienced dermatologist for this. Approximately 3-5 onwards sessions may be needed

process of tattoo removal

Each type of laser has a wavelength at which it operates –

Pulsed dye laser at wavelength of 510 nm are used for treating red, orange and purple tattoos.
Pulsed dye lasers at 393nm are good for removing pinkish pigments.

Q – switchedNd-Yag laser at 532 nm is used for removing red pigment.
Q – switchedNd-Yag laser at 1064nm for removing black, blue and green pigment.

Laser light at wavelength of 1064nm is nearly in the infra-red and therefore it can go several millimeters into the skin to treat deep pigment.
The lasers works by targeting the ink pigment beneath the surface while leaving the normal skin intact. Most tattoos require multiple treatments for complete fading.